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I didn’t come from an engineering,or even a scientific family. But, anaptitude and keen interest in maths andchemistry, plus a fascination with howthings worked led me to choose to studychemical engineering.After having spent some time consultingto the mining and oil and gas industries,I joined CSIRO to work as an engineeron their commercialisation projects. Iwas immediately thrown into the deepend of titanium metal powder researchand development projects, both makingit and consolidating it via a number ofdifferent processes.It was 2011, just as a process calledmetal additive manufacturing, alsoknown as rapid prototyping or 3Dprinting, was just taking off. Little did Iknow, my career was just about to takeoff too! Additive manufacturing, as I am suremost of you are aware, is a processwhere you add material layer by layer.This is as opposed to subtractivemanufacturing, where an item ismachined out of billet, rod or plate.

Here wesupervise mainly PhD studentsdoing their projects on rust omni fegs grease lubrication. The work here shouldgenerate knowledge that contributes to understanding greaselubrication. Examples of projectsare impact of water on greaselubrication, mechanical degradation of grease, grease bleeding,film thickness in grease-lubricated bearings, etc. Three commercial greases were then tested and compared to try to confirm some of the ideas postulatedin the earlier paper (7). The main attributes of three greases used for this part of the study are identifiedin Table 4; they had the same NLGI Class, 00, and are used in wheel bearing applications on commercialvehicles.

I think we’re ina climate emergency, and doing fartoo little too slowly; global inequalityis shocking (I grew up in Tanzania andKenya) and rich countries could domuch more; geopolitics are fraught, andrespect is hard to find.On the positive side, I do see significanteffort by people who care, and it’smaking a (slow) difference. I’m passionate about newenergy sources – concentrated solarthermal is one of my favourites – andnew processes like carbon-neutralcement and steel. I see the materialsagenda as fundamentally underpinningthese opportunities. As we developbetter materials, we’re also working atdeveloping the whole lifecycle for them,and I’m optimistic that a real circulareconomy is coming soon. Grease in rolling bearings is notalways recognized.When you want to increase theperformance of a bearing, thenyou can select a better grease, butyou can also change the design ofthe bearing.


The research team is keen to collaboratewith other clinicians to further progressthe technology, through pre-clinical andclinical trials. Numbers of surgical procedures, andthe rising prevalence of chronic woundsand chronic diseases such as diabetesand cancer.While magnesium is known to beantimicrobial, anti-inflammatory andhighly biocompatible; there has beenlittle research on how it could be usedon medically-relevant surfaces likedressings and bandages. By up to 85 per cent; and SDI’s dentalrestorative and preventative products,that we develop, can help treat the 2.3billion people who suffer from dentalcaries (decay). Photos from the Sydney Manufacturing Hub and some of the speakers(Ms A. Andreaco from GE additive, USA; A/Prof M. Seita from NanyangTechnological University, Singapore; Dr S. Lathabai from CSIRO, Australia). Flash loan exploits are a type of attack in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem that exploits the mechanics of flash loans. Flash loans are uncollateralized loans provided by certain DeFi protocols that must be borrowed and repaid within a single transaction.

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  1. Yes, it was a good album, but I found at least five that were even better last year, and jazz is not my main thing.
  2. You can look them up with the lists feature here to see all of them.
  3. I think we’re ina climate emergency, and doing fartoo little too slowly; global inequalityis shocking (I grew up in Tanzania andKenya) and rich countries could domuch more; geopolitics are fraught, andrespect is hard to find.On the positive side, I do see significanteffort by people who care, and it’smaking a (slow) difference.
  4. Some say From Hell is the best thing he ever did, but I think it’s The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Above all, the University conductsresearch across several keyareas, including clean energy,healthcare, food science, and theenvironment. But this latest RMIT study is the firstto develop fluorescent magnesiumhydroxide nanosheets that couldcontour to the curves of bandage fibres. The nanosheets are easily integratedonto any biocompatible nanofibre,which means they can then bedeposited onto standard cottonbandages.Laboratory tests developed throughthe research showed the magnesiumhydroxide nanosheets were nontoxic to human cells. In addition, theyalso destroyed emerging pathogenslike drug-resistant golden staph andCandida auris.

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In other words, the mapping technology ofRaman spectra could potentially be adapted to investigate the interactions and distributions of thickeners,oils, and additives in greases. Time, in this study greases were worked per ASTM D1831 for 500,000 revolutions. The testing revealedthat the grease film thickness was similar for unworked and worked greases.

The emerging field of tissue engineering aims to harnessthe human body’s natural ability to heal itself, to rebuildbone and muscle lost to tumours or injuries. The breakthroughadvances the development of new technologies forregrowing bones and tissue. Curtin University is named after JohnCurtin, Australia’s fourteenth primeminister. It was established in the early1900s as the Perth Technical School.Since then, the university has developedinto a wide-reaching institution ofacademic excellence. In 1987, it beganoperating as Curtin University ofTechnology – Australia’s first universityof technology. However, in recent years, there hasbeen an increasing need for thestructure analysis of substances thatonly form microcrystals—crystals thatare only a few hundred nanometersor less in size.

Thebuilding system may not beas revolutionary as our C90technology, but I think we’retaking a unique approach to it,”Dr Dingle said.In collaboration with ProfessorJames Doerfler from Deakin`sSchool of Architecture,FormFlow has also developedemergency shelters andisolation facilities that canbe rapidly deployed forpeople impacted by naturalhazards. These services willalso be crucial for quarantinearrangements in future healthcrises or pandemics likeCOVID-19. Raman spectroscopy is another powerful chemical analysis technique similar to IR spectroscopy. The ideaof inelastic scattering of monochromatic light, the principle of Raman spectroscopy, was first reported bySir C. V. Raman in 1928; he received the Nobel Prize in 1930 for his discovery 13. Raman spectroscopywas used first in special instruments for academic research.

  1. It’s definitely less accessible than Moore’s comic work, such as the classic Watchmen.
  2. It was established in the early1900s as the Perth Technical School.Since then, the university has developedinto a wide-reaching institution ofacademic excellence.
  3. See also Sula Bassana, Pangaea, Kornél Kovács, Max Graef & Glenn Astro and Powell.
  4. In my new south side home with the open floor plan, it’s impossible to treat the room to sound very good to do justice to my Wharfedale Opus setup, so I sold the center and surround speakers, moved the big floorstanders to the Psychedelic DOOM Lair, and got a top of the line soundbar and subwoofer from Saturday Audio Exchange by GoldenEar at a good sale price well under the $1,600 list.
  5. The data showed that under realistic operating conditions, the grease with all the bestattributes (Grease 1) could be distinguished from the one with all the worst attributes (Grease 2).Plots showing the torque to turn the bearings are included in Figure 3 under 0.44 kN axial and 1.78 kNradial loads, and under 0.44 kN axial and 3.56 kN radial loads.
  6. “The Latest Trends in the GreaseIndustry” was the theme ofthis year’s meeting of the IndiaChapter of NLGI (21st Lubricating Grease Conference, February7-10, 2019, Guwahati, India).The program focused on up-andcoming developments in the lubricating grease industry and underscored the areas of additivetechnology, manufacturing andprocess development, testingmethods, and analytic techniquesin tandem with salient case studies.

Australia Magazine December 2024 Volume 57 No 4

Indie has earned the unfortunate nickname, “landfill indie,” and much of it is deserved. The massive amount of garbage produced by this subgenre in the past 15 years is mind boggling. Perhaps partly because it had become a sort of default “starter” genre for kids first dabbling with music. And just like when a lot of families gathered around for pickin’ and grinin’ sessions a century and more ago, not all of them were fit to perform in public or record. And wow, a late discovery was Australia’s Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever. The band has ambitious plans for their official debut album, so they want you to consider Talk Tight a mini-LP.

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Value chain, from extraction toprocessing, separating, refining andmanufacturing high value materials andproducts,” Law said. Manufacturers to select materialsthat satisfy their needs and meet therequirements of the future. Together,quality control measures ensure theproperties of materials meet certainspecifications for industry-wideutilisation. “We’ve finally demonstrated that sensors that use it cansupersede existing, non-quantum technology.”“This is exciting—it’s the first proof of the paradigm-changingpotential of entanglement for sensing,” he explained.Australia has a quantum technologies roadmap, wherequantum sensors are spurring a new wave of technologicalinnovation in healthcare, engineering, transport and resources.

Like any instrument, preventativemaintenance should be performedperiodically to ensure optimalperformance. Make sure your supplierhas a support network to facilitateboth preventative maintenance andemergency servicing if required. Yoursupplier should also stock a ready supplyof spare parts and consumable items(such as filaments) that are essential tothe operation of your CT.

This year was Black Sabbath’s farewell tour, and they closed their career with awesome performances. Also great were Dungen, Boogarins, Castle, Satan, Alan Cummings (!), God Is An Astronaut, Chicago Symphony Orchestra doing Holst’s The Planets, L7, Mars Red Sky, Melvins, White Denim, Femi Kuti, Heart, Joan Jett, Cheap Trick, Black Mountain, Doug Tuttle, Kikagaku Moyo, Steve Gunn, Dead Meadow, Night Demon, King Sunny Ade, Holy Grail and Babes In Toyland. But people were so impressed by Kendrick Lamar’s dabblings in jazz, they might be interested to hear what the next step would be, which is a truly masterful fusion of jazz and hip hop. Steve Lehman is not dabbling, he has years of experience experimenting with hip hop, such as on  Wu-Tang Clan’s “Living In the World Today” and Camp Lo’s “Luchini.”  He’s collaborated with HPrizm (AKA High Priest) of Antipop Consortium for over a decade, and Senegalese rapper Gaston Bandimic for six years.


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